TMB Bank Balance Check: Your Guide to Checking Your Account

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By Suraj Bediya

The bank known as Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Limited (TMB) has its main office in Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, India.

With more than 1095 ATMs and over 507 branches, the bank is growing and providing its clients with easy access to banking services and amenities.

As part of its commitment to satisfy its customers, the bank provides a variety of banking services. Missed calls are an excellent initiative in the banking sector of the country. TMB Bank has embraced the latest technology and offers easy options to check their bank balances.

Checking Your Balance Through Traditional Methods:


Upon creating an account, customers can conveniently see their detailed transaction history and inquire about their Tamilnad Mercantile Bank balance using the passbook provided by the bank.


Tamilnad Mercantile Bank customers can easily check their account balance instantly at their nearest branch. Customers are required to have a valid ATM or Debit Card and a four-digit PIN to check their account balance through ATMs. After inserting the card and entering the four-digit PIN, the current available balance will appear instantly on the screen when they click “Account Summary.”

Branch Visit:

To quickly check their account balance, customers can visit the Tamilnad Mercantile Bank location that is closest to them. For check your balance using an ATM or your passbook at the bank center for Tamilnad Mercantile Bank.

Checking Your Balance Through Modern Methods:

Mobile Banking App:

Installing and downloading this app is easy. Once customers have successfully registered, they will need to log in with the customer ID and password to proceed with the registration process. Through this app, customers can pay their bills, check their Tamilnad Mercantile Bank balance, and check their check status.

TMB MBank and TMB Digilobby are two of the available apps.

SMS Banking:

Sending an SMS with their registered mobile number allows Tamilnad Mercantile Bank customers to quickly check the amount of their accounts.

SMS SET<Your Account number> to 09211937373.

Missed Call Service:

Tamilnad Mercantile Bank account holders must register their mobile numbers. In order to receive SMS alerts through Missed Call Service, customers must fill out a request form and submit it to the bank.

The customer can now access the missed call service and check their account balance after the registration process has been completed. Once the verification process is completed, the customer will receive a successful registration message.

By placing a missed call to 09211937373, Tamilnad Mercantile Bank customers can check their available account balance.

Additional Tips:

By setting up transaction alerts, you may monitor activities on your Tamilnad Mercantile Bank account.

After opening an account with Tamilnad Mercantile Bank, customers are provided with the credentials for internet banking. Once the credentials are successfully registered, the customer can check their account balances online through internet banking.


Name of establishmentTamilnad Mercantile Bank
Official Website
Customer Care+91 9842 461 461
Missed Call Enquiry Number09211937373
SMS BankingSET<Your Account number> to 09211937373.
Mobile Banking AppTMB MBank and TMB Digilobby