5 Days banking in Banking Industry

A letter was addressed to IBA by 4 workmen Unions viz. AIBEA, NCBE, NOBW and INBEF, with the introduction of 5 Banking Days per week.

“it is indicated that for the purpose of declaring all the Saturdays as holidays as against the present position of 2nd and 4th Saturdays as holidays, the working hours per day may be enhanced by 30 minutes and the present working hours may be accordingly preponed by 30 minutes in the morning” stated in the letter.

In view of the different timings in different centers, as opined by us during the discussions, the following may be decided upon for implementing the 5 Banking Days per week in the Banks.

-Present working hours may be increased by 30 minutes per day.

-Present respective timings of working hours may be preponed by 30 minutes in the morning.

-Existing customer service hours/non-cash transaction banking hours may be increased by 30 minutes.

-Existing cash transaction hours to remain the same.

The working hours at present 9-45 AM to 4-45 PM, (6 12 hours + lunchtime) may be revised as 9-15 AM to 4-45 PM (7 hours + lunchtime) and cash transaction hours at present 10-00 AM to 2-00 PM, 2-30 PM to 4-00 PM (5 1/2 hours) may be revised 9-30 AM to 1-30 PM, 2-00 PM to 3-30 PM (5 1/2 hours), and Non-Cash transaction hours 4-00 PM to 4-45 PM (45 mts) may be revised 3-30 PM to 4-45 PM (1 hour 15 mts), and Total non-cash banking hours/ Customer service hours at present 10-00 AM to 2-00 PM 2-30 PM to 4-45 PM (6 hours 15 mts) may be revised 9-30 AM to 1-30 PM 2-00 PM to 4-45 PM (6 hours 45 mts). Said as an example.